Ignore the Blueprint

A blog about programming, life and everything.

Flutter Startup Shows a Flashing Black Screen

Recently, I felt that the cold start of the app was a bit strange when debugging. Upon closer inspection, I noticed that there was a brief black screen flashing after the Launch Screen disappeared and before the main interface appeared.

After searching online, I found that this has been a problem since 2019 or earlier. But after further investigation, I found that it ultimately pointed to a closed issue in the Flutter repository.

Generally, if you can’t find a search result, it’s your own problem. So I decided to use flutter create bug to see if there were any differences.

As a result, I found that the default project template’s Info.plist file has one difference from my implementation:


While in my project it was:


Removing the .storyboard extension and rebuilding solved the black screen issue. 😓

When I have time, I’ll take a look at the Flutter source code and see if I can find out what the problem is.

I raised an issue on the Flutter repository, you can check when the development team plans to fix it.