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Using Apple's WeatherKit REST API


Besides the WeatherKit SDK, Apple also provides a REST API for developers to access weather data. If you have already paid the $99 membership fee, utilizing the API to make the most of your membership. 500,000 API calls comes with the membership, which is more than enough for personal use.


To get started, you will need to create a set of keys in the Apple Developer portal.

Get your auth key

  1. Go to Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles and select Keys.
  2. Click the + button to create a new key, check the WeatheKit box and click continue.
  3. Download your key, and take a note of the Key ID, you will need it later. Check your Downloads folder for AuthKey_KEYID.p8, that's your key.

Register an identifier

  1. Now head over to Identifiers and click the + button to register a new identifier.
  2. Select Services IDs and click continue. Use reverse domain name notation for the identifier, e.g. com.example.weatherkit.

Prepare the Keys

The .p8 file downloaded is a elliptic curve private key in PKCS#8 format, which is not encrypted. You need it to be in PEM format in next steps, so let's convert it.

openssl pkcs8 -nocrypt -in AuthKey_KEYID.p8 -out AuthKey_KEYID.pem

And also generate the public key:

openssl ec -in AuthKey_KEYID.pem -pubout -out AuthKey_KEYID.pub

Remember to store the keys in a secure location. For example:

mkdir -p ~/.ssh/weatherkit
mv AuthKey_KEYID.pem AuthKey_KEYID.pub ~/.ssh/weatherkit
chmod 600 ~/.ssh/weatherkit/AuthKey_KEYID.pem

Creating a JWT

The WeatherKit API uses JWT for authentication. You will need to create a JWT token to access the API.

You can use the JWT online tool to encode / decode a JWT. However, in real world you will have to it programmatically.

Now here's an example of how to create a JWT token using Python. You will need the pyjwt package for creating JWT and cryptograpy package for the ES256 algrithm.

pip install pyjwt cryptography
def generate_token():
    now = int(time.time())
    exp = now + (86400 * 180)
    with open('PATH_TO_YOUR_PEM', 'r') as f:
        key = f.read()
    alg = 'ES256'
    iss = 'YOUR_TEAM_ID' # Can be found in your developer account
    sub = 'YOUR_KEY_ID'
    token = jwt.encode(
        payload={'iat': now, 'exp': exp, 'iss': iss, 'sub': sub},
        headers={'alg': alg, 'kid': kid, 'id': f'{iss}.{sub}'}
    return token

Using the API

The WeatherKit API has 2 endpoints.

  1. Availability API: Determine the data sets available for the specified location.
  2. Weather API: Obtain weather data for the specified location.

You will use the generated JWT token to authorize the requests. The token should be included in the Authorization header with the Bearer scheme.

Call the API like you would with any other REST API. For example, using Python's requests library:

import requests

response = requests.get(
    headers={'Authorization': f'Bearer {token}'}

And you will get:

    "currentWeather": {
        "name": "CurrentWeather",
        "metadata": {
            "attributionURL": "https://developer.apple.com/weatherkit/data-source-attribution/",
            "expireTime": "2023-07-10T01:52:25Z",
            "latitude": 32.779,
            "longitude": -96.809,
            "readTime": "2023-07-10T01:47:25Z",
            "reportedTime": "2023-07-10T01:00:00Z",
            "units": "m",
            "version": 1
        "asOf": "2023-07-10T01:47:25Z",
        "cloudCover": 0.17,
        "cloudCoverLowAltPct": 0.05,
        "cloudCoverMidAltPct": 0.11,
        "cloudCoverHighAltPct": 0.04,
        "conditionCode": "MostlyClear",
        "daylight": false,
        "humidity": 0.67,
        "precipitationIntensity": 0,
        "pressure": 1010.65,
        "pressureTrend": "steady",
        "temperature": 29.85,
        "temperatureApparent": 33.35,
        "temperatureDewPoint": 22.99,
        "uvIndex": 0,
        "visibility": 25096.98,
        "windDirection": 56,
        "windGust": 25.64,
        "windSpeed": 11.59

Read the API docs for detailed explaination.